標準號: q/dnjy2-2006
酒精度數(shù): 16%vol
凈含量: 375mlx2
原料: 荔枝
存儲條件: 常溫或低溫保存
飲用建議: 最佳飲用溫度5℃
簡介: 果真冰荔枝酒采用中國嶺南名貴佳果荔枝為原料經(jīng)冷凍榨取濃汁、果汁冷凍濃縮、高滲透壓低溫發(fā)酵,保糖濃縮而成。是對世界果酒釀造的重要貢獻。晶瑩剔透的黃色,蕩漾起黃金般的光澤,成熟的荔枝果香,濃郁純正,16度流金般的厚稠,酸甜和諧、優(yōu)雅而經(jīng)典,層次分明結(jié)構(gòu)感強,后味柔綿悠長,滿口回香。榮獲:2006年廣東酒類行業(yè)年度創(chuàng)新成果獎 中國中輕產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量保障中心頒發(fā)的“中國優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品”獎 2007年瑞士國際評酒會銀獎飲用建議:餐后酒、休閑及在酒吧飲用尤佳,最佳飲用溫度5℃ “guozhen lichee ice” wine is made fresh lichee , a valuable fruit of south guangdong with uniqueadvanced techniques in extracting 100% juice frozen but ice-removed lichee , adopting low-temperature fermentation , sugar extract remaining. the wine presents a harmonious mixture of golden colour , matured fruit aroma., 16v/v mild pleasan t tastegracefulclassical style . it has soft, longpure after-taste. it was awarded “ annual achievements in creating new products in guangdong winery 2006” it won “ china top products prize” by the quality -guarantee center of china light products. it won “silver prize” in switzerl international wine appraisal conference 2007-7-14 tips: it’s an after-- meal drink. drinking temperature is 5 ℃ better have it in cafeteria, bar etc.